4th Grade English Language Arts & Social Studies

Course Description

Hello, my darlings! I miss you very much. Here is where you will go to check on any assignments that are due. I recommend checking this page at least once a day because I will share interesting videos and fun things, too!

Upcoming Assignments See all

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See all posted assignments for this class.


My Phone Broke!

Hi, everyone!
My phone mysteriously stopped working last night and now won't even turn on, so please send me an email or Dojo message rather than calling texting me at this time.
I will be able to call back from my husband's phone if someone leaves me a number to call. I won't be able to purchase a new phone until after pay day for reasons that I'm sure you understand. 
So if you texted me your completed writing assignment, can you please resend it on Dojo or through email? If you absolutely must text it, message me and I will give you Mr. Fiden's number for that purpose.
Thanks for your cooperation!
¡Hola a todos!

Mi teléfono dejó de funcionar misteriosamente anoche y ahora ni siquiera se enciende, así que envíeme un correo electrónico o un mensaje de Dojo en lugar de llamarme por mensaje de texto en este momento.

Podré volver a llamar desde el teléfono de mi esposo si alguien me deja un número para llamar. No podré comprar un teléfono nuevo hasta después del día de pago por razones que estoy seguro de que comprende.

Entonces, si me envió un mensaje de texto con su tarea de escritura completada, ¿puede reenviarla en Dojo o por correo electrónico? Si debe enviar un mensaje de texto, envíeme un mensaje y le daré el número del Sr. Fiden para ese propósito.

¡Gracias por su cooperación!

The Present

I just saw this video on YouTube and thought it was really interesting. What do you guys think?

I Miss You All!

I am so glad that we are getting back into learning! I miss you all so very much! I hope you had a good spring break and have stayed safe. I know it is a little weird to stay inside and not hang out with our friends like we want, but we all have to do our part to make sure our parents, friends, and neighbors stay healthy. 
I am really excited to start some new and fun ways to learn. I may even start my own YouTube channel. Stay tuned. =)