Soccer Enrollment Underway

A special message from Coach Hook:
Hello 6th, 7th, and 8th grade families,
Please fill out this Soccer Participation Form  by this Thursday (12/17) if your 6-8th grade student would like to play soccer. Responses due by Thursday, December 17th. 
If we have enough participation, Mr. Chris Capers will be the coach. The season starts in February, the schedule will be released mid January.
 Practices will be on campus after school. If you are doing remote learning, you are still expected to attend on-campus practices. Must be passing all classes in order to participate. 
Covid safety precautions: Guardians will not be able to stay on campus to watch practices.  Players must provide their own water bottles. Guardians must provide transportation to and from all games. During games, all fans and players sitting out will be required to wear masks and socially distance. 
Becky Hook
Athletic Coordinator
Physical Education Teacher
Cedars International Academy 
Office: 512-419-1551 